ANNOUNCEMENT: Climbing Aconcagua, the second-highest mountain on the Seven Summits list. It is the highest mountain of the South American continent and the entire Southern Hemisphere.
Comparison of MSR Reactor and Outventure Sportsmaster in cold and wind conditions. Recorded two points that can not be seen during the test in room conditions.
I am working on it 🙂 25.11.2016 13:48
Hey English-speakers! Unfortunately, this page is only available in Russian but I’m working on the translation!
ANNOUNCEMENT: Two mountains in 10 days is not a mountain marathon. This is a new style of mountaineering that I want to try. The legendary Georgian Kazbek and Russia’s highest …
ANNOUNCEMENT: Kilimanjaro is on my wish list because this mountain is one of the famous Seven Summits, one of the ten highest volcanoes on the planet and, making the ascent …